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Generate a trajectory of the proportion of individuals in each (st)age over time


plot_structured_population_agedist(pop_growth_matrix, leslie_mat = NULL)



population growth matrix, as generated by run_structured_population_simulation (each row is an age class and each column is a time step)


Leslie matrix used to generate the population trajectory (optional). If the Leslie matrix is provided, the trajectory also includes lines indicating the stable age distribution


ggplot of age distribution over time

See also

run_structured_population_simulation() to simulate the growth of a structured population given a Leslie matrix, plot_structured_population_size() and plot_structured_population_lambda() for plotting different aspects of the population trajectory, and plot_leslie_diagram() for plotting an transition diagram based on the specified Leslie matrix


leslie_matrix <- matrix(c(0, 8,1, 1, 0.4,0,0,0,0,0.8,0,0,0,0,0.1,0),
ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
structured_pop_init <- c(10,10,10,10)
structured_pop_time <- 50
structured_pop_out <- run_structured_population_simulation(leslie_mat = leslie_matrix, init =
structured_pop_init, time = structured_pop_time)
plot_structured_population_agedist(structured_pop_out, leslie_matrix)