Differential equations in R
Behind the scenes, ecoevoapps
uses the wonderful deSolve
package to solve the differential equations in R
. If you
want to explore how this package works so that you can simulate the
dynamics of your own favorite model or tweak existing models in
, read on!
To use deSolve
, we first need to write a function that
describes the differential equations, which we can then solve using the
function deSolve::ode()
Example 1 - Lotka-Volterra competition
If we want to run the Lotka-Volterra competition model in R, we first write a function using the syntax as follows:
# Hand-coding the Lotka-Volterra competition model
lotka_volterra_competition <- function(time, init, params) {
with (as.list(c(time, init, params)), {
# description of parameters
# r1 = per capita growth rate of species 1
# N1 = population size of species 1
# K1 = carying capacity of species 1
# a = relative per capita effect of species 2 on species 1
# r2 = per capita growth rate of species 2
# N2 = population size of species 2
# K2 = carrying capacity of species 2
# b = relative per capita effect of species 1 on species 2
# Differential equations
dN1 <- r1*N1*(1 - (N1 + a*N2)/K1)
dN2 <- r2*N2*(1 - (N2 + b*N1)/K2)
# Return dN1 and dN2
return(list(c(dN1, dN2)))
With this function defined, we can now define the parameter values, initial values, and time over which we want to run a simulation:
# define vectors of initial population sizes, time, and parameters
# define initial population sizes for the two species
init <- c(N1 = 10, N2 = 30)
time <- seq(0,500, by = 0.1)
# define the parameter vector -- note that the names should match
# the parameter names we used in the lotka_volterra_competition function above
params <- c(r1 = .2, r2 = .1, K1 = 500, K2 = 600, a = .9, b = 1.1)
We are now ready to simulate the dynamics as follows:
lv_out <- deSolve::ode(func = lotka_volterra_competition,
y = init, times = time, parms = params)
# Plot model output
plot(lv_out[,"N1"]~lv_out[,"time"], type = "l", ylim = c(0, 700))
lines(lv_out[,"N2"]~lv_out[,"time"], type = "l", col = 2)
Example 2 - predator-prey dynamics
This example shows how the same approach can be used to simulate the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with logistic growth in the prey species:
# Define the function
lv_predprey_logPrey <- function(time,init,pars) {
with (as.list(c(time,init,pars)), {
# description of parameters:
# r = per capita growth rate (prey)
# a = attack rate
# e = conversion efficiency
# d = predator death rate
# K = carrying capacity of the prey
dH = r*H*(1 - H/K) - (a*H*P)
dP = e*(a*H*P) - d*P
return(list(c(dH = dH, dP = dP)))
# Define parameters and initial conditions
time <- seq(0, 250, 0.1)
init <- c(H = 10, P = 10)
params <- c(r = 1, K = 250, a = 0.1, e = 0.2, d = 0.25)
# Now, we are ready to run the mode:
predprey_out <- deSolve::ode(func = lv_predprey_logPrey,
y = init, times = time, parms = params)
# Plot model output
plot(predprey_out[,"H"]~predprey_out[,"time"], type = "l", ylim = c(0,16))
lines(predprey_out[,"P"]~predprey_out[,"time"], type = "l", col = 2)
More resources
We also strongly recommend that you explore some deSolve tutorials to
understand the workflow. (ex.
1; ex. 2;
there’s also an example
specifically on the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey models!). The package
also includes the function deSolve::dede()
, which we use in
to simulate the delayed-differential model for
logistic growth (see run_logistic_model()