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Ricker model of discrete population growth with a carrying capacity


run_ricker_model(N0 = 1, params = c(rd = 1.1, K = 100), time = 100)



initial population size of population


a vector of carrying capacity (K) and discrete growth rate (rd)


Number of time steps over which to project the model


A data frame with columns time and Nt

See also

run_discrete_logistic_model() and run_beverton_holt_model() for other discrete-time models of population growth with population regulation, and run_logistic_model() for a continuous time model of logistic growth. Also see plot_discrete_population_growth() and plot_discrete_population_cobweb() for plotting trajectory over time and cobweb plots.


run_ricker_model(N0 = 1, params = c(K = 100, rd = 1.1), time = 10)
#>    time         Nt
#> 1     1   1.000000
#> 2     2   2.971301
#> 3     3   8.639249
#> 4     4  23.600879
#> 5     5  54.689639
#> 6     6  90.025076
#> 7     7 100.465302
#> 8     8  99.952402
#> 9     9 100.004749
#> 10   10  99.999525