Authors and Citation
Gaurav Kandlikar. Author, maintainer.
Madeline Cowen. Author.
Kenji Hayashi. Author.
Rosa McGuire. Author.
Xinyi Yan. Author.
Marcel Vaz. Author.
Alejandra Martinez-Blancas. Contributor.
Damla Cinoglu. Contributor.
Sheila Vazquez-Morales. Contributor.
Kandlikar G, Cowen M, Hayashi K, McGuire R, Yan X, Vaz M (2022). ecoevoapps: Simulate Dynamics of Ecology/Evolution Models. R package version 1.0.0.
@Manual{, title = {ecoevoapps: Simulate Dynamics of Ecology/Evolution Models}, author = {Gaurav Kandlikar and Madeline Cowen and Kenji Hayashi and Rosa McGuire and Xinyi Yan and Marcel Vaz}, year = {2022}, note = {R package version 1.0.0}, }