EcoEvoApps is a collection of freely available apps that allow users to interactively explore ecology and evolution models

We are building this website as a community resource for educators and students looking to supplement their teaching and learning of these models, and for researchers looking to build and share new apps! This project is still under development, and we’d love to hear from you with any suggestions for improvements or requests for new apps.

Here’s how it works: Users can set parameter values, and R code runs in the background to update the model ouputs.

Logistic growth app demo
Logistic growth model in the continuous population dynamics app

For teachers and learners

Interactive apps can be a great way to explore how changes in parameter values can change the dynamics of a model. We intend for EcoEvoApps to be used as a supplement to (rather than as a replacement for) other ways of learning these models, e.g. analytically solving for equilibria. Start exploring the models, and find out how to request new apps or give us feedback on existing apps!

Join our mailing list to join the EcoEvoApps community and receive updates on the project.

MacArthur-Rosenzweig app demo
MacArthur-Rosenzweig model in the predator-prey dynamics app

For researchers

Interactive apps can be a great way to learn/review existing models, or to share your work with a wide audience of colleagues, students, and other members of the broader public. We invite you to explore our existing models and to contribute new models to EcoEvoApps!

Join our mailing list to join the EcoEvoApps community and receive updates on the project.